Daniel Fast Consecration
January 6-26,2025
Welcome to our 2025 time of consecration. This is a time for us to come together corporately for prayer and fasting. Each year we do a 21-Day fast adhering to the principles of the prophet Daniel who declined to eat the delicacies of the King's table (Daniel 1:8). Instead, he asked to be fed fruits, vegetables, grains and water for 21 days. At the end of the 21 days, Daniel and his companions' countenances were fairer than those who had been fed meat from the king's table.
Even though there is much discussion about food on the Daniel Fast, the foods we eat are not our primary focus. During this time of separation, we seek to have a meaningful encounter with God and to draw nearer to Him. Let this time of consecration be a renewed submission to God's will and purpose for our lives. Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart, and He will draw near to us.
Five Tips to Keep Your Focus Off the Food
One: Have a little meeting with yourself. Think about the importance of satisfying your appetite during your fast. Are you willing to deny the flesh? Are you willing to learn how to crucify the flesh so you can draw nearer to God? Eating more simply will help you in this part of your spiritual journey.
Two: Plan simple and easy-to-prepare meals. Download the food list (see link below) and the Meal Planning Worksheet. Free up time and thought by preparing meals in advance.
Three: Find simple recipes for your Daniel Fast. Over the next 21 days, what are 3 breakfasts that you can consume? What are 5-6 dinner meals? What are 3 snacks you can prepare and have available? How can you use leftovers for lunches? Or what are 3-4 simple lunch menus you can plan?
Four: If you prepare meals for others that are not on the fast, consider making the foods you consume during your fast part of the meal you serve to others. If you have soup with salad, then serve that to your family and then add an entree or another side dish for them. Be an example to those around you. Remain in joy and love.
Five: Notice the changes going on in you as you change the way you eat during your fast. Discover how cravings disappear. Notice the increased energy you experience and the healing that your body may undergo.
Before You Begin
Start preparing your heart and mind now. Your Invitation for Deep Diving Fasting is a discipline that you certainly get out of it what you put into it. If you want a deeply fulfilling fasting experience, then make that decision and organize your fasting time so you can focus completely on the Lord, the Bible, and your study. Take a few minutes and think about the areas of your life that are “out of order,” causing you stress, and/or not aligned with the ways of God. List some of them below: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________
Do you have “invisible crutches” in your life? If so, identify those support systems that you might depend on rather than trusting in God:
What areas of your life need a “shift” so you can have the hope, peace, and security available to you as a child of the Most High God?